This program is available for approved applicants to obtain a hardship driver’s license. A person must meet the eligibility requirements of Florida Statute 322.271(2)(G)-(4)(e)& Florida Administrative Rule 15A.10, in order to apply for this state approved service.
Persons meeting the statutory eligibility requirements must contact the Department Highway Safety Motor Vehicle Bureau of Administrative Review (Department) on Wilson Blvd. to apply for a hardship hearing.
Following the hearing, the Department will issue a letter of eligibility if the requirements are met.
After receiving the letter of eligibility, the person will need to contact the nearest Department-Approved DUI program offering Special Supervision Services for screening and application into the program.
If an applicant is accepted into the SSS program and is granted a hardship license, he/she must remain under supervision of the program for the duration of the revocation period and must assume all costs of supervision.
If anyone in the SSS program fails to comply with the required supervision, the SSS program will report the failure to the Department and the Department will cancel the person’s driving privilege.
To Apply with NEFSC, you must bring these items to your intake appointment:
- Your letter of eligibility for Special Supervision from the DHSMV
- Driver’s license number
- Current Florida photo I.D.
- Date of revocation
- DUI Level 2 proof of completion
- Prior drug/alcohol treatment information
- Name and address of all doctors and hospitals or other medical facilities you have been to in the past seven (7) years for permanent revocation and three (3) years for 5 to 10 year revocation.
- Names and addresses including phone numbers of three (3) persons you wish to use as references (only 1 relative)
- $316.00 – Money order or credit/debit ONLY. (electronic processing fees will be applied)
- No checks or cash will be accepted. (Prices subject to change)
For more information call our office at (904) 399-3119 x138 or email